My site has a motto One PLANET...many "RACE" - the HUMAN race .  The word RACE as defined and commonly understood is simply wrong.  Indeed just the understood definition is meant to separate  cultures and use it as a reason for conflict. I have no patience or respect for those that would use the word race (or a culture) to create or perpetuate conflict and hate.  I do not believe in racism. Those that would use that word to accuse others should reflect on
themselves. The origin of my motto was created in 2010 when my site was originally named OUTPOST TERRABASE.

LINKS on this site may be bold blue and underlined or images so be sure to mouse over them..

Pages showing the g2vsol3 banner will return you to the home page.

My TECHNICAL posts are based on my education, training, experience and knowledge.

My RELIGIOUS posts will always be in faith and respect to John
14:6 . I do not accept that "turning the other cheek" means that as a Christian I am to be silent on injustices, inhumanity or attacks on Christianity.

My POLITICAL posts are my personal opinions.  I have disagreed with both Democrats and Republicans hence I call myself an an INDEPENDENT.  I will register and use my vote for individuals I feel will do their best for for our collective citizens.

My INTERESTS are reflected on this website which span many areas.

I support the Constitution of the United States of America.  I do not support an individual or organization that would circumvent or warp its words violating the context of the laws of the land.

I am on FACEBOOK and use it as my personal social media to share my multiple interests/experience with others.

I do not expect people to agree or disagree with me.  We are each unique with our own perspectives, backgrounds, knowledge and experience.

Does your organization need a science writer/researcher?

About Photography on this site and COPYRIGHT

                                     The naming of this website was for two of my keen  interest areas - astrophysics and
                                    astronomy.   g2v is the spectral class of our Sun, sol is Latin for Sun and 3  represents Earths 
                                    position as the third planet from our sun.

My logo conveys a Latin message Ex Astrum - Ad Astra . The blue trajectory represents Ex Astrum (from the stars).
The green orbit represents all life on this planet.  The yellow trajectory represents Ad Astra (to the stars).

About this site...
